
How can we help?

At Olive Business Partners, we understand the challenges businesses face in managing their financials.

With our services, you can access experienced CFO-level expertise to manage your financials on a flexible basis that suits your needs. Whether you prefer remote assistance, on-site support (available in Melbourne), or a blend of both, we offer ongoing and project-based options to meet your requirements.

We take a strategic approach, working closely with you to review performance, anticipate challenges, uncover opportunities, and create actionable plans that drive your business toward its growth targets.

Our Services

Virtual CFO Services

We provide ongoing financial management with CFO-level expertise. By getting to know your business in depth, we become your trusted partner for managing your financials and strategic planning. Typically, this is engagement is on a monthly or weekly basis.

These services may include:

  • Cash flow management

  • Month end closing and reporting

  • Forecasting and budgeting

  • Profitability and ROI analysis

  • Pricing reviews

  • Cost optimisation

  • Risk management

  • Board and Shareholder Reporting

  • Strategic Plans

Consulting & Project Support

We offer expert financial analysis and decision support for key projects and business initiatives on a project basis. Our services are tailored to achieve specific goals within a defined timeframe.

Examples of client projects include:

  • Tender submissions

  • New product or service launch

  • Supplier contract negotiation

  • Product Ranging with a Retailer or Distributor

  • Pricing and promotions

  • Business plan preparation

  • Investment or loan proposals

  • Business integrations

  • Process improvements

Financial Health Check

Designed for businesses looking to quickly optimise business operations, prepare for growth, or simply gain peace of mind about their financials, this service offers a thorough analysis of your business’s financial position over one full day.

  • Remote or in person at your business location

  • Includes a review of your business financial statements (P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow), recommendations for optimising revenue and expenses, strategies for managing cash flow and a tailored CFO report.

Got questions?

We love hearing from passionate business owners and are always happy to answer your questions.