About Us

What We Do

We know that financial management can be a challenge when you’re trying to lead a business.

Olive Business Partners can provide all the expertise that is typically covered by a CFO - advice on revenue growth and cash flow management, strategic planning, implementing process improvements, analysis for commercial decisions, developing financial capability, and providing recommendations on spending, financing, and risk management. However, hiring a full-time CFO at a high salary may not be feasible or the right fit for a more agile business. Olive Business Partners can provide flexible finance support so you can focus on growing your business.

View our Services for more information.

Why We Do It

At Olive Business Partners, we want to see sustainable and profitable growth for our clients. We believe that the combination of profit and purpose is what keeps a business thriving.

The olive tree is the longest living fruit tree and is able to thrive in tough conditions. These are the values we bring when working with our clients - ensuring longevity, building resilience, enabling growth, creating abundance, and working collaboratively to flourish. We're here to support businesses at every stage of their journey, from tiny seedlings to flourishing olive groves.

Check out our Insights for some free resources.

How We Do It

We are committed to a fully flexible work environment that allows us to thrive, both within our company and for our clients.

With Olive Business Partners, your business can access an experienced CFO’s expertise on a flexible basis that suits your business needs. Whether you prefer remote assistance, on-site support (available in Melbourne), or a blend of both, we can provide ongoing and project-based options to accommodate your requirements.

Contact us to enquire or discuss how we could work with you.

Sarah Petty, Director & Virtual CFO

Sarah is the Founder & Director of Olive Business Partners, bringing her wealth of experience as a CFO and a qualified CPA. Sarah is passionate about working with business owners and leaders who are energised by what they do and are driven by purpose.

Throughout her career, Sarah has overseen the financial management of businesses across all growth stages, ranging from small startups to industry leaders. Her career journey has spanned across industries, including retail, consumer goods, manufacturing, design, education and the arts. Sarah has partnered with Founders, Business Owners, CEOs, Senior Executives, and Board Members.

Committed to driving positive change, Sarah has been a long term volunteer with children's charities and also contributes her expertise on several boards.

Sarah is a regular panelist, presenter and keynote speaker for industry events and is passionate about empowering business leaders.

Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn.