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Does My Business Need a Finance Team?
Sarah Petty Sarah Petty

Does My Business Need a Finance Team?

Explore the pros and cons of having an in-house finance team versus an outsourced finance partner. Learn about the roles of an accountant, bookkeeper, and virtual CFO to determine the best financial support for scaling your business.

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Protecting Your Business From Financial Fraud
Sarah Petty Sarah Petty

Protecting Your Business From Financial Fraud

Learn how to protect your business from financial fraud and discover the practical steps to implement strong internal controls, educate employees, monitor transactions, implement cybersecurity, and more. Safeguard your business to ensure long-term success.

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Forecasting: How Businesses Can Predict Future Success
Sarah Petty Sarah Petty

Forecasting: How Businesses Can Predict Future Success

Learn how financial forecasting can help businesses predict future success. This guide provides practical steps for creating accurate revenue, expense, and cash flow forecasts.

Mastering financial forecasting empowers you to make informed decisions, manage cash flow, and ensure your business thrives in a competitive market.

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The Human Side of Finance
Sarah Petty Sarah Petty

The Human Side of Finance

Explore the human side of finance. Discover how emotions influence financial decisions, the impact of financial stress on business owners, and the role of virtual CFOs in providing both expertise and emotional support. Learn how profits can fuel passions and the importance of financial literacy for business success. Dive into creating a culture of financial well-being within your organisation.

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Mastering Supplier Contract Negotiations
Sarah Petty Sarah Petty

Mastering Supplier Contract Negotiations

Learn the five essential steps to master supplier contract negotiations and secure favorable terms. This guide provides business owners with actionable strategies to support growth and ensure cost-effective procurement

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Should Businesses Spend To Grow?
Sarah Petty Sarah Petty

Should Businesses Spend To Grow?

Explore the critical considerations for investing in your business and learn about how to balance spending with financial stability. Register now to make more informed spending choices and drive your business toward sustainable growth.

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What To Do When Cash Flow Dries Up
Sarah Petty Sarah Petty

What To Do When Cash Flow Dries Up

Find out about the critical steps to take when your business is facing cash flow challenges. Learn the short term and long term strategies to manage expenses, optimise receivables, and maintain financial stability during tough times.

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Five Strategies to Increase Revenue Growth
Sarah Petty Sarah Petty

Five Strategies to Increase Revenue Growth

Discover five effective strategies for growing your business revenue which can be applied for both product and service based businesses. Learn how to increase your revenue and achieve sustainable growth.

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How To Deal With An Unexpected Tax Bill
Sarah Petty Sarah Petty

How To Deal With An Unexpected Tax Bill

Learn how to manage an unexpected tax bill with this beginner's guide for small to medium business owners. Discover practical steps to review, plan, and adjust your finances effectively.

Implementing these strategies not only helps you handle an unexpected tax bill but also strengthens your business’s financial foundation for the future

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The Difference Between Revenue, Profit, and Cash Flow
Sarah Petty Sarah Petty

The Difference Between Revenue, Profit, and Cash Flow

Discover the key differences between revenue, profit, and cash flow in this beginner's guide for small to medium business owners. Learn how to manage and optimise your finances effectively.

Understanding these financial basics empowers you to make informed decisions, ensuring your business not only survives but thrives in a competitive market.

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